Trailer Hire
Trailer Type | Prices inc VAT | ||
You are completely responsible for the trailer and accessories at full replacement cost. | 1-24 hrs | Weekend Fri 4pm- Mon 9am |
Weekly |
Camping Trailer | Extra Day £35.00 |
£55.00 |
£110.00 |
Wooden sided trailer with cover (for holiday use only) Size: 5' x 3' MGW/Payload 350kg/275kg |
Brenderup Van Trailer | £60.00 | £90.00 | £240.00 |
Glidalong twin axle braked box van trailer with double rear doors. Size: 8' x 5' x 6' MGW/Payload 1700kg / 1000kg |
Terms and Conditions
- All hires require a DRIVING LICENCE plus TWO utilities bills (must be within the last two months). A Passport is not acceptable.
- We will refuse to release the trailer on hire if for any reason we are not happy with any documentation, payment or unsuitable vehicle.
- Full payment is required in advance for the period of hire plus a minimum deposit of £150.
- Credit cards are accepted with an additional surcharge.
- All bookings of 3 days or more require a NON-refundable booking deposit. Trailers can only be collected or returned during the times specified between Monday - Friday. Hires are not available on Sunday.
- A number plate is a legal requirement and may be purchased in addition - your V5 will be required to purchase this, in line with DVLA legislation.
Download a copy of our Hire Application Form in PDF format (125kb)